hormone health online course with lectures on supplements to heal hormones, a diet for pcos, supplements for endometriosis, natural family planning, oils for infertility, how to use a period cup
how to heal infertility, essential oils for infertility, essential oils for PCOS, natural treatments for PCOS
essential oils for PMS, natural treatments for PMS, how to fix post partum depression
natural treatments for period cramps, how to get rid of period cramps

I am so excited to help you on your hormone healing journey!

This program is a 3-part hormone repair plan that will work for you over time:

Part 1 - the hormone repair kit oils

Part 2 - nutrient dense supplements (ningxia red & mineral essence)

Part 3 - colon cleanse & liver support

Once you place your first order, I will email you access to the course where you will learn how to implement all the diet & lifestyle changes that will affect your hormone health as well.

Below are 4 options to get started:

1 - just the HRK oils (good)

2 - the HRK oils + Ningxia red (better)

3 - the HRK oils + Ningxia red + mineral essence (best)

4 - colon cleanse & liver support

Not sure where to start? Read more about each option below

**start with the colon cleanse if you are currently on birth control and not ready to come off yet. After doing the cleanse for 30 days, your body will be ready to come off & you can start the oils at that point

ORDER ALL THE ITEMS AT THE LINKS BELOW. Each link is it’s own kit & all the products are needed. They are not meant to be pieced together.

Also click “create loyalty order” to set yourself up on subscription so you get points back on the order & are set up to order the other parts of the program next month!

To unlock the 24% wholesale discount, make sure your cart adds up to 100PV or add at least 1 item on subscribe to save!

When you go to check out, make sure my member ID (27123252) is in the referral box

Enter your name, address & all that jazz! Create a username, password, and pin. (Write em down if you’re anything like me and forget your 104829 passwords)

Check out, confirm you got all the way to the confirmation page, & wait for the mailman to come a knockin'!

After you place your order, I will email you the protocol that teaches you how to use your oils & send you a link to the FB group class!

progessence plus oil is a natural progesterone supporting essential oil that can help to get rid of PMS, help bad period cramps, get rid of hormonal acne, and help with mood swings
clary sage oil is the best natural remedy for period cramps, it supports normal estrogen levels and can help with estrogen dominance

Click the images below to read more about the program!

Already a Young Living member but still want to get in on the program?

You can purchase the program as an online course! This gives you access to the FB group with all the live lectures.

Or you can purchase the Heal Your Hormones e-book to get the protocol on how to use the HRK oils + some hormone supporting diet info.