Trauma during the birth process is way more common than most people think. Often, it goes undetected.
Let's face it. Being born is not easy. Even in the most uncomplicated births, there is a lot of pulling and pushing on a baby's head and neck. Add in forceps, vacuums, and c-sections, and now the stress put on your baby's body has multiplied.
According to Dr. Guttman, M.D., when looking at over 1,000 infants shortly after birth, over 80% of them sustained trauma to their cervical spine. He also found associated symptoms, ranging from movement and developmental impairment to lowered resistance to infections, especially to ear, nose and throat infections. (Source: Blocked Atlantal Nerve Syndrome in Babies and Infants, Manuell Medizin 1987 25)
In chiropractic, we call this trauma "subluxation." Subluxation causes nerve irritation. Since our nervous system controls every function in the body, if we have interference/irritation to our nervous system, we will not be able to grow or develop to our full potential.
Dr. Brittney is also trained in the Gillespie Approach craniosacral fascial therapy. This is a bodywork specialty that is especially helpful for infants with lip or tongue tie restrictions. The therapy can be used to prepare your baby for a release procedure or in place of one entirely. Click below to learn more about it!