woven into the innate wisdom of our body lies the way in which it communicates, sending messages through symptoms + emotions. before even being able to speak, our children possess this same innate wisdom, mirroring the input they receive. symptoms like colic, breastfeeding issues, & food sensitivities have been touted as normal, or perhaps more devastating to our forming belief systems as mothers, “our burden to bear.” what if they are actually an invitation to a deeper story? the place in which the wellness community at large has revealed its own discomfort & limitations is where the curiosity stops.
in our experience, that place is located in the degree of which radical responsibility is willing & able to be chosen in life.
this is a path that requires oneself to break beyond the chaos of victim dramas, guilt, & martyrdom. to take responsibility in one’s life & to maintain the ease + tension of curiosity requires a deep rootedness that goes beyond a state of mind. it is revealed in our physical body & the way in which we hold ourselves.
what if our own self-limitations in life are revealed in the rigidity of our bodies?
“Children are our greatest gifts in the way they illuminate the well-being of our families as a whole, and we can simply choose to listen.”
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after the first year of being a new mom to my firstborn, i felt this deep calling in my life of “there has to be more to this picture.” i was thousands of dollars deep into different kinds of testing, supplement protocols, and therapies to get to the root cause of symptoms that my son was expressing. for a while, i was convinced it had to be the mold, the toxins, & the inflammatory foods that were contributing to his sleepless nights, digestive issues, food sensitivities, & oral dysfunction. one day i simply woke up & chose to close that chapter of my life in which i followed a fear-based path, and instead move towards the bigger picture of “heal the mother, heal the child.”
i began deeply re-resourcing & re-mineralizing my body, we took a giant leap of faith and moved to an environment that i was magnetically drawn to for raising our children, and we began a transformative path alongside our mentor michale chatham. over the next 3 years, what was once fragmented in our lives & confusing became abundantly simple & clear. “ecology” is the study of the relations of living beings to one another & their environment. when you begin to view your family through the lens of ecology, you see that no part of your family exists in isolation, whether those parts are symptoms or behaviors.
this lens revolutionizes the way in which current modalities, therapies, and protocols approach symptom-based issues in our children, which is to isolate the problem, “fix” the problem, and we become lifetime customers to the practice of outsourcing.
what if there was more to the picture, and what would that look like for us as parents to take that first step?
for us, this meant a willingness to zoom out. we began a journey of unearthing : relationally, physically, emotionally + more. a major part of this journey to rootedness was repatterning all that our body held in its fascial system – the primary storehouse of our emotions + experiences, both personal and ones passed through generations. by repatterning our movement to reflect an open + rooted state of being, we found safety and regulation in our own bodies that translated to our children.
the willingness + commitment to rewrite the foundation for our family’s regulation & groundedness has continued to shift the way that we move through life.
our children can only embody in themselves what we embody first.
we invite you to simply begin the journey to experience the fullest version of yourself & your children.
this offering is for you + your family to create your own beautiful experience with the course. you’ll receive lifetime access to the 8 modules of foundational wisdom, inviting you into a journey of rooting yourself + your family.
lifetime access to the rooted families course
membership in the online interactive community alongside kyle, kori, & michale
live q&a’s / chats / workshops / movement sessions
6 live teaching + integration sessions with kori & michale during the first 12 months, recorded & saved for playback at any time
strategic support from kyle for building your individual home environment